Well every one.  My wife and I feel very upset about.Kodo.  Can't put it in
They kill our animals.  They kill our people.  Wakeo Ruby Ridge ETC.  We
elect them to office.  THEY STICK IT TO US!  How much more are we going to
take?  You wonder why Tim McVeigh did what he did.  It finally got to him.
More & More people in this GREAT LAND of our's are Anti Goverment.  And do
you wonder why?
There's nothing wrong with our Goverment.  Its a few Idots & Crooks we have
put in there to run it.  Mabe we ought to start thinking more about
This internet is a powerfull tool.  Think about.  Its not just MI, its the
whole damn land we live in.  This land is ours.  We elect these idots into
office.  They work for us
[Posted in FML issue 1970]