Need some games to play?  Well, as long as you promise not to laugh too
hard, I will share.
Ferret Toss--I have some that love this, and some that could care less.  Get
any number of ferrets and toss them 2-3 feet onto something soft.  I
generally use the bed.  If they like it, they will dance and dook.  If not,
they will give you a look like "Are you insane?"
WrestleMania-I grab one at a time, flip them onto their backs, grab their
hind legs and waggle them back and forth.  Quite vigoriously.  Even the
flipping part.  Sound effects are essential.  In this game I usually use "I
am gonna get (name)." Repeat.  Again.  All of mine love this.
Tug-o-War-Take old socks of any variety and tie a knot in the middle.
Waggle sock over face of intended victim.  They will grab and hang on for
dear life.  Angus has a special version-he will fly through the air holding
onto said sock.  While I twirl him around.  They also will attack and kill
these on their own and stashing them is also a coveted trick.
Tubes-I started out with black plastic flexible tubing, aka drainage pipe.
At any home center.  It costs less than $5 for a 20ft length.  You can also
buy elbows, t's and connectors.  I have it behind the couch, around the cat
tree, up the sides of the tall cage.  Even over a chair to give them an
incline, they use this as a slide.  It is easy to cut to suit your needs.
HOWEVER, I also highly recommend the clear tubing from Northeast Exotic Pet
Supply.  The guys clearly (pun intended) prefer this.  It has the added
advantage of you being able to see them play and wag their tails!!  Way too
I must stress that sound effects are mandatory when playing with your guys.
Dook at them, do the little huh huh huh sounds, waggle your fingers and
laugh, anything.  They love it.
I play rough with my gang.  Pretty rough in fact.  Think about it.  How hard
do they bite until they know better?  They have tougher skin than us and
aren't nearly as fragile as they would seem.  The rougher I play with them,
the more excited they get.  Slide them across the carpet, roll them around,
anything you can think of.  I mean, my guys jump down 3-4 feet after they
climb the cage.  Makes me wince, but never bothers them.
Maggie and the Maniac Mob
[Posted in FML issue 1930]