Hello Scooter, Paddington ( and Waldorph the bunny)!  Thanks so much for
allowing your Mom to travel to the shelter this weekend.  She sure is a nice
gal, I guess you know that though!  Why your Mom Ela and the shelter Mom and
Dad sure worked hard on Sunday making the walks so nice and bright.  Guess I
will have to check out the cage room more often now!  What a big bright
place it looks like now.  And all those pesky new kids just running and
chasing around like they were in a brand new place-- foolish whipper
snappers!  Hrrrrumph!!
Well, how did your Mom like my brand new chocolate coat?  It cam shortly
after the vet chick fixed me???  I didn't know I was broken though??!  Did
she tell you I am so handsome?  I am sure she did, but don't worry I won't
invade your space!  I have gotten quite comfortable here at Ferret Wise -- I
think I will stay around and make sure they run things "MY WAY"!!!  I sent
you both a new snuggly hammock as a thank you for letting your Mom come and
work!  I hope you like it.  Well,hope to hear from you and maybe someday you
will stop in and say hello too!
Your ferret friend
Mascot, Ferret Wise Shelter
(with help from Mom of course!)
[Posted in FML issue 1949]