Hello to you all,
Just a small question but I might hit a lot of ankles (if you know what I
mean ) Why does "almost" everyone overthere get Marshall Farm ferrets when
it appears to be that not only the are sterrilised so early (6 weeks by
laser!!) but also a lot of them are diagnosed with insulinoma around the age
of 4.
I have never heard of that disseas overhere in Holland so I assume we don't
have it.  But also our ferrets are know to get the age of 10 and older so
that started me thinking.
Are we so far ahead with knowledge or is it just this perticular breed.  I'm
not pointing just asking because I'm puzzled of your stories as I see how
many have passed the rainbow brigde of insulinoma and as I see how many pass
it overhere because of age then I just think why shouldn't thoose ones grow
Just a thought.....
Bye take care all of you with a sick ferret on your side I wouldn't know
what I would do if I was to be loosing one of my loved ones...
TTYAL Astrid.
^         Joop & Astrid          ^
^The Fuzgang: Tarka,Spikey,Flory,^
^  Aricia,Christy,Sander,Cleo &  ^
^             Iwan               ^
^ "Lots of Love from Ferretdise" ^
^    (0: ;0) (0: :0) (0: ;0)     ^
[Posted in FML issue 1942]