I sent an email to FOSTERKL, but it didn't get delivered - possibly due to
my miscopying it.
I can't resist giving this suggestion even though I don't have personal
experience with a biting ferret.
When I see youngsters who ARE tame and people oriented, I realize that those
who expect a baby to be a cuddle bug are going to be disappointed.  When I
think of a little one who has had no positive experience with people but
likes other ferrets, it seems to me that she would see a human trying to
pick her up as one big annoyance at best or maybe even an enemy.
This little ferret has never had the chance to find out that people can be
worthwhile.  Have you thought of isolating her in another room and exposing
her only to you for a while?  Maybe at first just let her out to play and
watch her so she will know you won't harm her.  Then try picking her up when
she is sleepy and holding her for just a little while.  Finding a treat she
likes might help too.
I just have a feeling that as long as she sees you as someone who only
interferes with her play with other ferrets it will take a long time to "get
through" to her.
Just couldn't resist giving my opinion.  Let us know how she is doing.
Anon in CA
[Posted in FML issue 1903]