Hi all,
Just thought I'd share this cute story with you:
This morning I had the two 'kids' out while I was picking up around the
house.  I noticed that one of them (probably Iggy, 'cause she likes to climb
on my desk) had knocked the phone off the hook.  Thinking nothing of it, I
went back to cleaning.
A few minutes later, the phone rang while I was vaccuming (BTW, Iggy was
trying to take the vaccum to her hidey-hole).  I answered and the voice at
the other end said "This is the Oakland County Sherrif, someone at your end
dialed 911.  Do you need help?"
Oh my God!  I was so embarresed and explained to the operater that it must
have been one of my ferrets.  She got a kick out of that!  Iggy must have
decided that it was so nice outside that she needed some help to get out!
Well, I'm off to change the speed dial buttons on the phone.
Zachery S. Warren
[Posted in FML issue 1894]