Dear Loki,
Our names are Yum Yum, and KoKo.  We didn't like to take baths either until
our daddy figured out that putting a wooden cutting board in the sink
stopped our feet from slipping.  Now when our mommy bathes us we just lay
their and enjoy it.  Sometimes Yum Yum even goes to sleep!  (No I don't, I'm
just resting my eyes!)
Anyway tell your mom to try that.  BTW- We still don't like getting our
nails clipped!
                   Love KoKo and Yum Yum
Note to Chris: Our ferrets really do love their bath now.  Maybe ours our
different, (big surprise!) cause they even chase the water out of the hose
when their daddy is watering.  But it did make a difference with the cutting
board.  Try a dish cloth too.
               Let me know...CJ Ladybug
[Posted in FML issue 1872]