Hello all!
Just wanted to tell you all that Miss Wiggles is eating again and running
around like the old tough little broad that she is!  She is on prednizone,
ear medicine, dextrose, nurtical, etc.  and is finally coming around from
the scare this last weekend...when she was skeletal...
She only weighed in at 1 pound yesterday at the vet, she used to weigh 1.4
pounds so we are very concerned...but still the surgery for Insoloma would
be worse for her...
We are trying to make the rest of her life, however long that may be, the
best that we can...even tho.  tonight she is feeling so good that she is
being the old Wiggles who is bossy and she refused half of her medicine and
is now crying because she can't run the house because we sprayed the carpet
for fleas today...such a tough little life!
So, thank you all for your kind cards and e-mails to her, please send more
because she loves to hear from her friends that she loves so much...
Bless you all,
Dave  =)
[Posted in FML issue 1810]