Hello, fellow fuzzy owners!  I just saw two items I wanted to comment
        1.  Ferretone - is it just my vet who says this, or have other
people's vets told them Ferretone doesn't really do anything?  When I
asked my vet about the "vitamin" supplement, he told me that it should
be used as a treat, not as a vitamin.  Apparently Omega 3's are the
best vitamin for ferrets, and Ferretone doesn't have any in it.  My
vet told me not to waste the money on the prescribed amount of 3-4
pumps - I use it when I need to tempt them out of hideyholes or to
treat Nesta when he actually DOESN'T go after my toes!
        2.  Clumping Litter - I have been using Ever-Clean's Multiple
Cat Strength Litter - it is supposed to clump more.  I think it helps
alot when cleaning the pan (compared with experiences I've had
babysitting a friend's cat).  It clumps wonderfully and you only need
to scoop the clumps out - no more dumping the whole pan of litter.
I've been thinking of changing back to the Scented Ever-Clean,
however;  Roo doesn't seem to like the unscented as much.  (Picky,
        Finally, I had one question of my own - not to echo other
questions too much, but do ferrets naturally tend not to use the box
100% of the time?  Nesta has been pretty good about it, but Roo, the
"elder" (by 4 weeks) has her bad days.  They seem to think that the
corner under my desk is MUCH more interesting...  Unfortuneatley, when
I sit down to type, barefoot in my pajamas, it is not a nice "present"
to find.  :)
        Thanks for any help/advice/comments...
        Kristen the Human
        Roo (who thinks the aquarium is her personal pool..)
        and Nesta (who thinks that nipping mommy and daddy's toes at
                5am Saturday mornings is GREAT fun...)
[Posted in FML issue 0955]