I didn't have the heart to leave him out there - it was too hot and the
bugs kept bothering him.
        Now, he's in my kitchen.  (strange place but he only one with linolium)
        However, I'd still like to know about anyone else's experiences with
leaving a ferret outside as his permenant home.  What is the maximum
temperature they can be comfortable in?
        I also need to know the name, place where I can get it and price of a
preventative heartworm medication.  Also, if you use flea and tick shampoo on a
ferret - what brand do you use and how often do you use it.
        Do you use regular nail clippers for them - I've used my regular ones
with fair results as long as the nails were healthy and not too dry so that
they don't splinter.
        Do you use flea poweder for your ferrets indoors?   Mine recently got
fleas but I believe I've taken care of that problem - but I need to know how
hard it is to cure a ferret of fleas and also how much the fleas will stay in
your house - are they easy to get rid of and if it's the start of my ferrets
problem and I've already treated him should I worry at all.
        Please write back - I'm very concerned - I haven't gotten replies to my
previous posts.  Is this still a friendly group or has it's incresed size made
it cold?
                                                -Clint, Ginger and Elmer
[Posted in FML issue 0874]