Met a darling sweet ferret last night at the Shelter.  He was
considered to be around 11 years old.  WOW.   One owner had him for
five years, another for approximately five as well.  He was found by
the first owners and they figured him to be around a year or two old.
This is one old timer.  He shakes alittle but is still a scrapper when
it comes to the younger ones.  Also met the shelter stud for the first
time since he was around 10 weeks old.  Boy is a big one.  I figure him
to be around 4.5 lbs and growing.  He's a beautiful cinnomin collor
with white feet and white bib.  To think I almost got him for a breeder
several months ago.  I wish I had the room.
        I'm leaving for MASS sometime early next week.  I found out
yesturday a very good friend of mine got a DAY CARE LICENSE.  FERRETS
NO LONGER ALOWED per health regulations. "ie. Children eating, rabid,
wild animals."  Well according to the states health regulations any
how.  My friend Beth ask me why this was?  Well I gave her the usual
speach and will talk to her when I see her and my god children.  Un-
fortunately I used to spend most of my time there on previous visits.
My god children love Sebastian and have never seen Mako.  For two
reasons I can't bring them there.  One She could lose her license.
Two and this is the big one. If they catch Sebastian and Mako there,
they may take them.  What a bummer.  I guess I'll have to find a friend
who let me and the guys stay.  I don't want to leave them here.
        I can't remember who I talked to about getting a ferret from the
shelter.  If you are still interested write me at
        [log in to unmask]
        I will be out on thursday 4/21/94 but will swing by on friday.
Sorry if it's to late.  I've been very busy at work and getting my
car ready for the ride.  Pluss it's my birthday so I've also been having
alot of fun on the side.
        I'll be gone for two weeks as of monday so I hope you all have
a great couple of weeks.  If you see a red eclipes on I95 or on the
Carolina coast with two ferrets in it it's me.  Give us a beep and
we may stop.
        Brad, Sebastian, and Mako
[Posted in FML issue 0803]