> > To anyone concerned with the Kansas bite case:
        Deleated first post on Kansas ferret bite.
> Excuse me for my ignorance but...  This seems to me to be highly illegal.
> I mean if no one is will to press charges then how can there be a crime?
> I mean if a man beats his wife and then refuses to press charges that is OK
> but this isn't?  What the hell is going on here?
        The same thing happened here in Florida several months ago. No
charges and the person bit begged to have the ferret put in quaranteen.
Ferret still lost. :-(  There is no justice when a wild and vicious
ferret nips someone.  Yet there is a case in Florida right now where a
gaurd dog ripped a little kids face half off and the dog will live.  But
there will be a big fine and law suit.  What an F'en joke.
> OK, Next question...  Who do we have to ruin?
> I mean it sounds like some prosecutor has it out for our furry friends.
> I would also not want the judge deciding any case I might be involved in if
> his mental facculties are this messed up.  Who are we supposed to write to?
        It's usualy the department of health and disease control that puts
up a big stink.  Trying to fight these ignorant S.O.B.'s is an up hill battle.
They have some old doctor with political connections and a mind so closed
it creates a vacume.
        Sorry if I offended any one with my language, but this brings back
some painfull memories.
> Date:   Wed, 22 Dec 1993 17:21:40 -0500
> Subject: cataract?
>   Please tell me if this is normal? or a beginning cataract? or
> anything else you can tell me. thanx!
>    Kate Pappas and Emmett Kelly Point-Three
>   [log in to unmask]
        Sorry can't help you here.  But maybe he scratch his eye on
something.  A vet visit seems in oder to me.  Hope Em's okay.
> ---------------------------------------
> From: Ann Davis <[log in to unmask]>
> Date:   Wed, 22 Dec 1993 20:49:16 -0500
> Subject: Kansas Bite Update
> not turned in, and the court-imposed deadline has expired.  The McDowells
> are waiting to be arrested, at which time they face having their children
> picked up by county welfare.  The only bright spot at the moment is the
> case is beginning to attract a lot of media attention, including the K.C.
> Star, local TV news, and the AP.  We are still working on finding them an
> attorney, and I have advised them to contact the American Civil Liberties
> Union in Kansas City.  I personally have not heard of such kangaroo court
> proceedings since the life and times of Judge Roy Bean.
> regularly (CompuServe 70367,3461).
> --Ann Davis, League of Independent Ferret Enthusiasts.
        You're right about being a Kangaroo court.  This is the most
ridiculous thing I've heard of.  I hope the McDowells stick this one out,
but losing your human kids to the system is a heavy price to pay.  I have
no human kids, yet, just ferrets.  So I don't know  how it would feel to have
such a threat made.  Wish them luck for me.  I hope a christmass miracle
happens here.
        Have good and safe weekend all.
        Brad Sebastain and Mako.
[Posted in FML issue 0678]