Hi all!
I am pleased to anounce the arrival of a little boy...a silver mitt...and
the SWEETEST ferret I have ever seen! He has the sweetest disposition! Foxy,
the other siver mitt used to be the sweetest of my bunch...but now she wants
to kill him. I have been using bitter apple on the baby's coat, and it isn't
helping as much as it did with Mama and Nonni. :(  Well, I guess I'll just
have to let them work it out. I do take him out alone alot, just to hold him
and all. He cries when she goes after him. I melt. And I feel so sorry for
him. Well, after a couple more days, they will be okay.
I don't let them have the run of the house much anymore after two panic
attacks last week when I thought they were gone! But Nonni really was
outside, running up and down the sidewalk! :::::GASP!:::::: I nearly had a
heart attack! She digs into the dryer hose now, even after taping it and
everything. She pulled the chicken wire back...I'm going to have to use that
thick "pigwire" stuff...it's a bit smaller...and much heavier.
Well, my kids made breakfast for me. Two very limp pieces of warm, buttered
break, and coffee strong enough to kill a horse! Hehehe! But they tried...:)
                           And the Whackey and Wonderful 4 !!
[Posted in FML issue 0624]