I tend to be one of those folks who goes to www.Snopes.com to verify
much of what is passed around on the Internet since so many folks like
to get creative. I felt the same was needed regarding the vet license
suspension in Washington State, a whole nation away from me in little
ol NY. I was able to consult with the Reliable Fireball Detective
Agency and he did find this link to a Washington area newspaper.
While I am really not trying to question the integrity of the poster,
I will say that the last case my husband worked before he retired
involved literally, 20 plus people who had been duped by a young
college age female who had made up documents for colleges, police
departments, hospitals etc. They all appeared to be real enough to fool
friends, family members, and a variety of company officials. Go figure!
He busted the case wide open and she spent a good deal of time in jail
and is being held responsible for the thousands of dollars she bilked
folks out of. I suspect however, she will never work long enough, if
at all to pay them all back. Being involved in situations like this
make one aware and thus the look for additional public information.

Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Moderator's note: Checking Snopes is always a good idea :-) For what
it's worth, I did confirm the suspension using several sources. (Not
that it should excuse the gloating of the original poster.) BIG]

[Posted in FML 7153]