Greetings for Coulette

No. 421 was swinging in his out door hammy catching a few winks when
Bluebird came up to the perch, saw No. 421 and flew down and landed
right on his round tummy.

She began to peck at his whiskers and finally woke him up.

"No. 421, you is invited to a special meeting up at de Big House,"
she chirped. "I was sent to get you and Oliver cause de Boss requested
it. Now, come on, get up and look your best. See you there in a few
minutes." With that she flew away.

"Hey Oliver," No. 421 called. "Oliver, where are you? Our presence has
been requested at the Big House, so slick up your hair and lets go. I
took my shower before I started my nap."

The two friends hurried up to the path leading to the Big House. An
Angel with wings ushered them into a big room with a very long table.
The Boss sat at the head of the table and there were Curriers,
Greeters, and The Receiving Angel. An executive board that No. 421
and Oliver had never seen took up the rest of the table.

The Boss brought down a gold gavel and called the meeting to order.

"We have, down at Skye's B&B a ferret dog named Coulette," The Boss
said. It has been requested she be allowed to stay in with her ferret
family, as she is a ferret at heart. I called this meeting to order to
see what you thought. Do you think she could fit in?"

No one said anything. Oliver raised his paw and was recognized. He
stood, and in a small voice said, he thought a dog would be a big help
in the woods. "She could pull a sled with ferrets and wood," Oliver
said. "I could use her to bring in the food from the garden. She might
be able to help with the mound building as some of the stones and logs
are heavy."

There was a gentle buzzing as the ferrets thought this over. The
possibilities were endless, sleigh rides were always fun, but pulling
the sleigh was hard work. They could ride her like a horse; she would
not tire as easily as they did. And, someone said, she would be nice
and warm on a cold night. Your feet would not get cold walking home.
Once in the house, she would be warm to snuggle up to.

Oliver was excited because now, he could get the whole days wood into
the house in one trip. Coulette was bigger and stronger and she could
pull a box of wood very easily.

The Boss smiled, Ferrets were really wonderful, they were willing to
make room for a "wannabe" ferret and that took a heart of gold.

The ferrets from Stonebeary mound were squirming in their chairs. They
did not know Coulette had arrived as no one from the Dog Section had
sent word. They did have a big mound, and they thought with her help,
it could get bigger. They were almost afraid to breath until the final

The Boss looked around the table and asked if everyone was ready. Heads
nodded and paws were raised. A few were undecided, but the majority
ruled. Coulette could stay with her ferret brothers and sisters.
Stonebeary Mound was near the Dog Section, so after she checked in,
she could come over and stay.

Gentle Breeze and Shooting Star were holding Coulette out back of the
Big House. Coulette had asked if she could be there even if the vote
was no. That way she could see her ferret brothers and sisters one more

When the courier announced the meeting was over, she started to prance
about. Her tail wagged as the Stonebeary Ferrets came out to see her.
She had a backpack full of goodies and toys and licked everyone in
greeting. They dooked and danced around they were so happy to see their

The ferrets climbed up on Coulette's back, and the happy group started
off for Stonebeary Mound.

Back at their cabin, No. 421 wrote in his logbook that Coulette had
arrived. He agreed she would be a big help with the heavier chores,
and the way her tail was wagging; he said he didn't think she minded
at all.

He headed back to his hammy to finish his nap while Oliver decided to
pick some raisins and make a hash for their supper.

[Posted in FML 7141]