
At the end of last year, I told you about Chibi, my biting ferret,
who causes me to have miniature epileptic seizures. Since then, I
have tried all suggestions told to me and nothing's worked.

A few minutes ago, after putting my other two ferrets, Lillie and
Frankie, into their playpen, I brought Chibi to join them. While
carrying her to the playpen, Chibi clamped on to my hand and refused
to let go. I managed to pry her off and get her into the playpen.

I then went into the family room, told my mom what had happened, and
then proceeded to seize. My mom couldn't get me to stop, so she found
my dad and he managed to calm me down.

I was just asked by my mom, if I wanted to find Chibi a new home, and
I so wanted to say yes, but didn't. I don't want to be one of those
people who get rid of their ferrets because they become too much to
care for.

I'd need to find Chibi a home with someone who knows how to rehab
biters. Chibi can't be passed from home, to home, to home, which so
often happens with pets with behavioral problems, I won't allow it.

I love Chibi with all my heart, I just don't like her all that much,
and don't trust her at all.

I just don't know what to do. My health is suffering because of her,
and my parents think that its no big deal. I think that they'd have
to have epilepsy to get it. Severe stress brings on my seizures.


[Posted in FML 7078]