Hi Everyone,
I would like to send a little money to a couple of rescues that are
needing help. Can I get some input on whether these are legitimate
rescues that are really hurting?? I do not have a lot of money and I
am about to lose my job here in about 2 months but I do want to help
out. I just want to make sure they are legitimate. They are Raisins
From Heaven and Somethin Up My Sleeve Ferret Rescue. One reason I am a
little aprehensive to just send money out is because of all of the talk
when the giving tree was going on about people not really needing help
but asking fot it and some people who were not really "rescues". Feel
free to email me with any info you might have. I would greatly
appreciate it. Thank you,

Anita M. Bell
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or facebook name is Freddie Anita Bell

[Posted in FML 7014]