hey everyone!!!!

[please feel free to cross-post!]

the SOS Spring Raffle will be ending in a couple weeks...so i am here
to remind you to go check it out!!!!

there are fantastic prize packages....

tons of bedding...who doesn't need that??? and if you are one of the
rare ones who DOESN'T...then you MUST have a favorite shelter you can
donate it to!!!!

there is a HUGE Ferret Depot gift certificate...

a print of Ferret angels...

packages with lots of goodies...

memorial packages...

there are ferret tubes and calendars and food...

one of Cindy Scheidt's Tower of Fun...

AND...a special memorial to our very own super hero...Super Tonks...
a pair of Tennies his mom made with his likeness on them...what a
generous donation in his memory from his mommy...and what a treasure
for one of his fans to win and treasure forever...

so....go get your tickets...whatcha waiting for????

there is info on the page for Google Checkout...be sure to also email
[log in to unmask] with the info on which prize packages you want your
tickets put on...

but if you prefer...you can snail mail me a check...
SOS Spring Raffle
c/o kat hammond
821 - 25 St
Cairo, IL  62914

also BE SURE to email me at  [log in to unmask]  with your info too...
name, address, EMAIL ADDRESS, and how much and what prize packages...

ok...go on....you know you want to... ;-)

thanks in advance...
SOS Raffle Page www.supportourshelters.blogspot.com/

[Posted in FML 6991]