No. 421 and Oliver had just come home from an ice fishing trip when
Bluebird came fluttering up to the door.

"Where have you been," she asked. "I'se been looking for you
everywhere. We has a fuzzy that passed and I need you to look up his
family. Do you suppose I could come in and get warm for a while?"

"Sure you can," No 421 said. "What can you tell me about this fuzzy?
The more I know, the easier it is to find family."

"Well," chirped Bluebird, his name is Orson, and he has some family
here named Piper and Obi. That is about all I can tell you. His Mom is
very upset, she wants to be sure he arrived and is with family. Oliver
came in with an armful of wood and laid up the fire. There were enough
hot ashes from early afternoon and the small twigs began to burn. Soon
Bluebird could feel a little heat. She stretched out her wings. Ahhh
that felt good.

No. 421 was looking at the ticket Bluebird put on the table. "Piper,
I think I know that ferret," he said. Seems to me, we met him at a
sliding party. I think he is the one that lives over by the banana
groves. Yes, I'm sure that is the one. What did you say his housemates
name was?"

"Obi," Chirped Bluebird. "Yes, I'm sure it is Obi."

"Oliver, go down to the banana grove," No. 421 said. "See if the first
house just before the turn is Piper's place. Take Bluebird with you,
and if it is Piper send her back here, and I'll meet you up at the

Oliver jumped back into his boots and wrapping his scarf up over his
ears, he put Bluebird inside his jacket and off they went. Bluebird
snuggled down and was almost asleep when she felt as if she were
flying. She couldn't be, she was tucked inside Oliver's jacket. No, she
may be with Oliver, but she was definitely whizzing through the air,
she must be dreaming. She stuck her head up under Oliver's chin just
as they came to a short stop.

What was that," she gasped. "I thought I was flying. But we are still
on the ground."

"I took a shortcut," Oliver said. "We just slid down that big icy hill
to the flats. The banana groves are just over there."

Bluebird was still tucked under Oliver's chin thinking about the slide
as he walked up the neatly shoveled path to a cozy mound. He knocked on
the door. After a few minutes, the door opened and a ferret stuck his
head out.

"Hello," said Oliver, "Might you be Piper?"

"That would be me," the ferret said. "Come on in, and get warmed up.
Obi just put the kettle on for tea."

"I'll come in for a minute," Oliver said. "I'm currier for No. 421 and
I was sent to find you and Obi. You have family that just passed
waiting at the bridge."

"We do," Piper said. "Hhhhmmmm that might be Orson. He was not feeling
well, but I did not think he was ready to come here."

Once inside, Bluebird began to squirm to get out. It was getting hot
and she was uncomfortable. Her feathers were bending and she did not
want to break any. Besides, she needed to know more about this sliding

Obi came out of the back room and stopped short. "Hi Ho Oliver," he
said. "Man what a cool scarf. How do you make it twitch from side to
side like that?"

Bluebird squimed free of Oliver's collar in time to hear that last
remark. She fluffed up her feathers and said to Oliver in very icy
chirps, "Open the door please, I'll meet you at the bridge with No.
421." She flew off his shoulder and straight for the door. Obi rushed
to the door and opened it just wide enough for her to slip out. In the
blink of an eye, she was clean out of sight.

No. 421 was dozing in his chair when Bluebird tapped on the window.
"Did you find them," he asked? Once inside she told No. 421, Oliver had
found Piper and Obi and they would be at the bridge. No. 421 put on his
jacket and went out into the twilight telling Bluebird to ask The
Receiving Angel to bring Orson to the bridge. As No. 421 approached the
bridge, Oliver and a couple of ferrets were playing in the snow. The
big fluffy cloud they had chosen was rough around the edges where the
three had pulled off some of the fluff to make snowballs.

"What are you doing," No. 421 said? "Is the Receiving Angel here yet?
Fix your scarf, brush that cloud dust off, there, you look better now."

There was a big whoosh of wings and The Receiving Angel glided down
with a small ferret in his arms. "Here is Orson," he said to No. 421.
"He is a little afraid so I brought him here myself. Take good care of
him, he is a really good boy and being here is still a little strange
for him."

The ferret just looked at No. 421. "Where am I, where is my Mom, who
are you, and how did I get here," he asked all in one breath.

"Son, you are at the Rainbow Bridge," No. 421 said. "You were not well,
your Mom did everything she could but it was best that you come here.
Don't be afraid, you have family here and they are waiting to see you."

The Receiving Angel left as Piper and Obi came running to meet Orson.
"Hi old Buddy," Piper said. "Boy did we miss you. Hey Obi, it's Orson."
Obi came up and hugged Orson. "Hi guy," he said. "Welcome to the
Rainbow Bridge. Piper and I have a nice mound, and we'd like you to
stay with us. That way, when Mom comes, she will find us all together."

Orson smiled, for the first time. He was glad Piper and Obi were here.
Now, he needed to find Mom.

"Son," No. 421 said. "Your Mom will come one day and pick you up. Then
you will live with her forever. In the meanwhile, you can send her a
message telling her you are here, and Shooting Star will deliver it for
you. Is that something you would like to do?"

Shooting Star stepped out from behind the bushes. She had been very
still as there were no leaves to hide behind.

"What would you like to say," she said patting Orson on the head. "You
tell me and I will take care of everything."

Orson smiled again. He liked this nice lady. "Tell Mom I love her, and
I miss her. Tell her I will live in her heart always, and I'll be here
with Piper and Obi waiting for her. ""Thank you Mom for all you did for
me. I know you loved me by the way you said my name and touched my
head. Hugs to you and love you Mom, till we meet again."

That said, the three ferrets sealed the letter with lots of kisses and
Shooting Star promised to deliver it the next night. Piper told No. 421
Orson was going to live with them, and Oliver and No. 421 watched as
the three ferrets walked back to the path leading to their mound. No.
421 and Oliver walked back down the path from the bridge, hoping the
fire was still going. Once home, No. 421 took down his logbook and
wrote. Mission Accomplished. Orson is with family and all is well.

Oliver made some Ferretone tea, and the two fish No. 421 had wrapped
and placed in the ashes were ready to eat. Oliver poured the tea, and
the two friends sat down to a simple supper of tea and baked fish.

[Posted in FML 6970]