Of possible interest to shelter moms and dads and volunteers:

I know that a number of you contact one another through e-mail and
phone. And I know of situations where you will contact other near-by
shelters to warn them of particular people who should NOT have any
animal...let alone a ferret. The reasons for this vary. But you contact
one another because you believe that it is the thing to do.

After several kind emails from people who are also firmly opposed to
tearing pets apart alive by another animal....please consider taking a
moment out of your crazy-busy days if ever you run across the name of
someone who does this in your area and contact local shelters that
adopt out birds, guinea pigs, or pet rats. You may save a life from a
terrible death.

This summer, a dog was stuck in a car in excesive heat for over 30
minutes. I wanted to get in my car and go home. I am not a dog person.
I had things to do. But I waited in consternation. I called the police
and ran in to a restaurant for 2 cups of ice and water. One was for me.
It was a scorcher that day.

I was able to dribble water down the side of the window a wee bit.
The police and woman who owned the car came at the same time. The
dog lived. Maybe it was a wake up call for the woman.

I did something similar on a short walk in over 90 degree heat. A dog
appeared to be locked in a garage and kept barking. No one answered the
door when I rang the home. The dog was still trapped in there on my way
back. Maybe the garage had air conditioning? Or maybe the dog would be
dead soon. Still no one home. I remembered the address and called the
police when I got home.

Maybe I extended the lives of 2 dogs and brought awareness to the
owners. Maybe not.

The point is that we can ALL try and help the helpless.

I have taken in biters who were abused. But it would not seem right to
only help ferrets if I could also take a little time to save a dog, or
a pet rat, or a baby chick from a gruesome death.

2 years ago, this old woman asked for my help in a large parking lot.
What? What did she want?

We spent hours trying to save baby Mallard ducks, collecting several
other old women to assist us along our zig-zag path.

What a time we had trying to herd baby ducklings in a very large
bustling parking lot to get them back to their mom. Makes me smile to
think on it. So many kind people out there.

Best wishes and love to all in this huge world who need our concern,
help, and respect.


[Posted in FML 6894]