Cooking is not per say predigestion. My point when taken in context is
one that can be found in many nutrition text books and papers and that
is that cooking makes many of the nutrients more accessible. I should
have used quotes around the term to not have it misunderstood as a
literal use. Mea culpa on that score. I sure hope this program does
not change culpa yet again. It subbed a different word in twice...

My take remains that there are multiple good choices, each with
downsides as well as strengths, and that anyone needs to know and
accept both for whichever option is used to best protect their ferrets
and be able to jump fast when needed. The logical conclusions from that
are that imposing guilt upon others for their choices which happen to
be different is simply unfair, but learning and accepting that nothing
is perfect are wonderful.

Food is not religion though personally I do not like an intolerant
approach to religion, either.

BTW, treating food like religion or imbuing it with mystical powers is
so common among people that it is actually studied in anthropology.
Look around and you will find that human tendency, perhaps
vulnerability, all over the place with a variety of foods and belief
systems. Cool,huh?

[Posted in FML 6892]