Dear Ferret Folks-

Yesterday, Kim wrote: 
>I merely brush off your close minded concepts and comments. Until
>you have done a thing long enough to see results- your views are

This is not an educational approach to achieving graduated, much less
instant change in *any* area. This is insulting, it is belittling, it
is arrogant and does much more harm to "The Raw Cause" than good. Scorn
your target audience and you lose them. Tell them their views don't
matter and they will not line up behind you unless it's to give you a
kick in the can.

I don't know Bob Church very well but I have a *very* hard time
imagining him getting up in front of an audience like this and berating
them. Mooning them just for kicks and giggles, maybe, but not this Al
Queda approach to doctrinal debate.

Alexandra in MA

[Posted in FML 6889]