Here I am with two ferrets - Mia and Chole. Mia is going to be six in
January. Chole is about three or four and in the last week is showing
signs of adrenal. Four ferrets to the bridge in less than a year. Now a
person I work with is looking to get rid of his ferret (He never should
have gotten a fert at all). This fuzzie is a really sweet little boy.
This would be is at least third home in his life. Looks healthy. Is not
a Marshalls fert - no tattoos. Everyone but me says he smells.. I don't
think so and I kissed his belly! My human children do not want me to
have any other ferts. They think I should wait until Mia and Chole pass
then start anew with perhaps a ferret from a breeder. They are
concerned that I get upset when a fuzzie passes. They seem to believe
that many of the problems that beset fuzzies are, perhaps, catchable (I
have tried to educate them! ) I don't think I can turn my back on this
little fert. Just concerned how he will mix with my kids. My mind is
sorta made up but would like some advice from my ferret family. (What
if he is a hob and never been neutered - how will this go with my two -
or am I thinking too much!) He needs a forever home..

[Posted in FML 6859]