Guess we all got spoofed with a black mink posing as a ferret. I have
had one in my back yard and totally by chance I have come up on it
several times but not very often. They are FAST and sleek for sure.
Last time was on returning from a walk I take down in the woods. There
is a small stream there I go to and sometimes take pictures. I put a
gate in the chain link fence to get out there and upon return I was
captured by a pair of black beady eyes locked into a stare at me. I
froze staring back at it. We both froze in that mutual stare.

At first I thought it was a rat, was about the same sized head as that
of a large rat but the head was not shaped that way. I was too taken
aback by this what every it was staring at me, only the head was
sticking up above the leafy weeds so I could not see the body. I began
to move towards it and in an instant is fled. It took a path nearly
right at me but off to one side as it made way at lightning speed to
get to the fence. It went thru one of the openings in the weave of the
chain link fence slicker than greased lightning. It kept on down the
short steep hill into a big brush pile where I throw tree branches and
all that fall in the yard. For sure, it got away quite safely and with
the utmost of speed but I wondered why it took such chance as to pass
almost directly beside me to gain freedom. But playing with my ferrets
I note in play they will do the exact same thing. Mink and ferrets are
closely related so that innate behavior possibly is the reason for this
escape method.

Haven't seen this for a long time until about 2 weeks ago where it was
way down in the back yard looking back at the house. I was inside the
house but it saw my movements and took off. The coat was not the dark
brown almost black I had seen in the past but was a much lighter brown.
I suppose in season that will change. This particular animal must be
somewhat accustomed to humans enough to live in concert with us to a
limited extent which is unusual I guess. Just wish I could get a
photograph of it.

Envelope How much in your home was made in the USA? No longer are we
self suffecient, we are owned by other nations and are at their mercy.

[Posted in FML 6826]