Many thanks to everyone who has bought tickets recently for the Support
Our Shelters summer raffle! It had been lagging pretty badly and,
although we've made up some ground in the last few days, we're still
well below last year's revenue.

At the same time, shelters are struggling more than ever to handle a
growing number of surrenders and neglected ferrets, during the worst
economy in 80 years. Some ferret shelter operators have lost their
jobs. But, they are doing their best to carry on saving furry lives,
and we want to do our best to help them.

We have decided to extend the summer raffle by two more weeks - until
July 14. So please visit our raffle website at
and check out the wonderful prizes you could win for just $1.


Some of the prizes have a 4th of July theme, and these prizes WILL be
drawn on schedule. Today, June 30, is the last day to buy tickets for
these items. The winning numbers will be drawn immediately for these

All other prize numbers will be drawn on Wednesday, July 14.

To buy tickets, you can sign up with Google Checkout as easy as pie
(it works exactly the same as PayPal). Then, email me with your choice
of prizes and how many tickets you want to place on each. It's that
simple. :-D

You could win a beautiful handmade IFC Symposium handmade quilt,
exquisite bedding sets and gift baskets, a multistory ferret cage from
the generous folks at the Ferret Depot, a Hills & Dales ferret toy from
the Ferret Tower of Fun folks, unique ferret collectibles from Harmony
Kingdom and Totally Ferret / Performance Foods, a really nice "travel
in luxury" carrier and accessories, a collection of children's toys, a
scrapbook set with painted wooden storage box, and much much more!

Again, many thanks to all of you who have supported the SOS raffles -
you are saving ferrets' lives!!!

Susann Thiel and Lisa Oestereich
Friends of Ferret Shelters

[Posted in FML 6746]