Hi all,

Grey had surgery on Wednesday. He's the one I said had adrenal surgery
months ago, and then could not walk right and was falling over, the
vet thought he had neurological problems....I reminded him it happened
right after his surgery (immediately after waking up).

I had told the vet everything you all suggested - the lupron,
deslorelin, and fixing the hernia. We were going to order the
Deslorelin and my vet spent all day on the vet boards I guess - he
called and said he wanted to open him up while fixing the hernia to
see if the other adrenal had become active or grew.

So he opened him, said the other adrenal had grown and was there but
barely, sitting flat on the vena cava. He called me and asked if he
should go ahead and take it off....I agreed. The best thing is taking
it off if it can be - there was no guarantee he would respond to the

Amazingly, he is not falling over anymore. I wonder if that was all
from the hernia, but it is only day 3. I am trying to keep him as still
as possible - but since he freaks out in a carrier or pen, I am letting
him be "free range". That way he just walks about 6 feet to go potty,
then comes back and sleeps.

The vet said that this was the best thing to do for him and then if it
does not work, we will try Lupron/Deslorelin....I have seen him urinate
already several times without straining. It couldn't work that fast


[Posted in FML 6754]