My father and his beagle found a small skinny ferret curled up in a
leaf pile in Kellogg Park in Elizabeth, NJ today. The dog and ferret
were sniffing nose to nose so my Dad picked up the ferret, put it in
the back of his SUV with the dog and drove home to get a box. The
ferret crawled under a blanket in the back after the dog starting
barking at it. When my Dad went to pick it up again it nipped his
finger. He picked it up anyway, carried it in one hand and made holes
in the box while holding it and it did not try to bite him again. Dad
brought the box over to me and when I tried to take it out it nipped
at me. I now have it in a Marshall mini mansion in my basement. It has
been eating and drinking alot. I'm afraid to try to pick it up, looks
like it nip. I have six other ferrets and REALLY did not want
another ferret. I called the local Humane Society and other Eliz.
Animal control, no one has any report of lost ferrets and both places
don't want it. Does anyone know of anyone with a missing ferret from
that area, or is anyone interested in adopting.


[Posted in FML 6666]