Yes, you are bad, but that was so Good!!! LOL!!! It sounded like they
just wanted one for a show and tell toy!! Let me guess, did they have
those kind of purse's that a poor small animal could stick his little
head out of? Bet they were Paris Hilton fans! (rolling my eyes) I'll
have to keep that answer in mind! LOL!! Every time I visit our petstore
and see someone interested in a ferret, I jump right in with all the
facts on how to care for one and that they are just not a cage pet.
They often think I work there, but it makes them think twice about
getting the ferret. The owner of the petstore hasn't said anything to
me and I wouldn't care if she did, I won't stop informing people that
ferrets are more then just "cute" They actually tell people if it don't
work out to bring the ferret in and they will find a good home for it!!
Well, I found out they are re-selling the ferret for a much cheaper
price!! That is NOT right!!! I"m going to check into that, it sounds
illegal to me, not to mention the person who brings in a ferret they
can't keep for any reason is just told the store would find a good
home for it, they don't mention the fact there re-selling the animal!!
UGHHH some people!!!! Time to get out my camera and act interested in
any animals that they are "finding good homes" for!!!

Darlene & Addie & Booboo & Gracie

[Posted in FML 6632]