There are real limits to how much anyone can control another. Real life
is not an action movie. Years ago I managed a store where it became
necessary to call in security because of someone who got violent. With
kids the parents SHOULD control them, but if the parents won't then
the only option once telling them to get out does not work is to call
the police. People can not manhandle other people's children. In the
recent situation the people left before the police could be called but
children who are violent toward animals are at risk of also becoming
violent toward others so maybe the authorities or at least the school
should know if there is a reasonable way to do that.

Now, life does NOT have instant experts. There is a well-known premise
that it takes 10,000 hours doing something before a person can really
do it excellently. (Read the 10,000 hour story of the Beatles and
others in Gladwell's book, _Outliers_ for a fun example. ) I've been
on the FML since it began and not only am I *not* a person who runs a
shelter, but I doubt that I've even READ 10,000 hours of posts about
ferret shelters in those 20+ years of reading on the FML so OBVIOUSLY
I do NOT know the topic of ferret shelters well. How much harder would
that achievement be in only two and half years with ferrets in one's
life as personal pets? (Kim, June 29, 2007, FML 5654):

So obviously Kim can not possibly be claiming to be an expert after so
little exposure. I think she just was shocked and has no idea what
sorts of situations may seem like they could be in the control of a
shelter but then the fighting escalated on both sides.

I am so sorry that the situation ever happened and so sad for the
ferrets and the blameless shelterer. None of us is all-powerful no
matter how much we might want from the depths of our hearts to be

If there were a state's worst parents who still can retain custody
contest then the parents of those children would have to be among the
individuals nominated.

Rather than screaming at each other it would make sense to discuss
constructive approaches to help the NEXT shelter person who runs into
this problem!

Sukie (not a vet)

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"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)

[Posted in FML 6581]