I was able to talk with both Diane and Michele today. Things are going
pretty well with the ferrets from the fire as well as the other four
already at the vets for other health needs. All eight are now back at
Diane's at the shelter. Kudos to Michele for her great night shift
coverage and rush to the vets Tuesday. Michele reported that the vets
were pleased with the ferrets progress overnight when they returned
for more oxygen therapy Wednesday morning.

There is a lot that can be learned in reading Diane's update below,
regarding the needs of any pet with smoke inhalation and the urgency
and continued observation needed due to potential complications.

I hope people will consider writing thank you cards to the firemen and
vets as we have done before to show people how important they are in
caring for and rescuing our pets. Let's let them know how strong our
ferret family is. Stevie, Bandit, Carmella and Rudy were fortunate to
have two vets and 4 vet techs ready and waiting for them as well as
Diane and Michele helping calm kids and record data. Kudos are in order
for all.

Addresses for the Cambridge and Somerville Fire Departments can be
found on yesterday's FML as well as the the vet hospital and Diane's
Pay pal addy. You can view a pic of Lt. Bobby Bell holding Stevie after
rescue at www.southshoreferretcare.org/

Annalise is holding up. Her husband flew back into town today to be
with her as they resolve their lving situation. It is my understanding
that Annalise was at work and because the families in the three
apartments are so close, they all reported to the fire fighters who
would be home and what pets needed to be rescued. Yea for teamwork and

The only one I have no information on is the hamster that was rescued.
Below is from Diane. Thanks to all who are helping.


[Posted in FML 6577]