Your post made me feel so sad...a little tear ran down my cheek as I
read about Ozzy. Love the fact that he's like a ZZ Top beard, it fits
his name well!

I don't know what it is about this time of year but everyone - be they
ferrets, doggies, kitties, or hoomans - they all like to "go home" this
time of year. I've worked in a nursing home for several years and now
I work for a temp nursing staff agency (so I can work whenever I feel
like it - I am mostly a stay at home mom though!) and it always seems
like we'd have the most passings at this time of year.

I truly believe that the soul and body isn't meant to be kept alive on
medicine alone. Most people and animals just get so tired of all the
meds and still feeling sick after all their treatments that they'd
rather just move on and not have to deal with it anymore. I've seen a
lot of people and animals that seemed mostly fine one minute (except
for maybe their age and medications, they were fine) and then they'd
be gone or ready to go the next.

It's sad - we will all miss our beloved furbabies and people - but
they will be so much happier when they don't have to think about
medications, treatments, and in the case of many fuzzies - running
around nearly naked in the middle of winter because of icky adrenal
disease.I think it's just so much more difficult this time of year, as
we all love to be with our friends and family (including, or course,
the furpeople!) and losing someone makes things bittersweet - usually
for years to come. In 2004, I lost my grandpa to cancer on Christmas
eve. His father passed away 2 weeks before he did. Then, 2 days after
Christmas, I lost my soulmate in a ferret body and the dog I'd had my
entire life. So, every year at this time, I think about them all and
cry a little and wish they could all be here with me. But I know -
and I'm not religious, just spiritual - that they are all somewhere,
watching me and wishing I could be as happy as they are. i know that
one day, I will be with them.

But our time here on Earth is fleeting, even if it doesn't always feel
that way. We must make the most of the time and resources we're given
and try to make things better for others as well - especially those who
can not help themselves. So, here is a huge "THANK YOU!" to all those
shelter owners, volunteers, vets, nurses, care givers, doctors, and
everyone else who gives to animals and people to enrich their lives
and make them feel like they're worth something.

And know that Ozzy feels much better now that he doesn't have to take
his icky meds anymore and he loves you and is grateful to you for
making his life better.


"Only a ferret can successfully steal your heart and keep you from ever
finding it again!" ~ Myself

[Posted in FML 6556]