Well, since everyone else is sharing their sad (and funny!) poems, I
thought I'd share mine. I wrote this several years ago when I was a
high school student and it's still one of my favorites. My grandpa,
my ferret, and my cat all passed in the same month - this month, to
be exact - and I always feel sentimental and sobby this time of year.
Anyway, enjoy!


Remember me when I have gone
and you can no longer see my face,
and my voice has become extinct,
and my scent you cannot trace.

Remember me when I'm not there
and you can no longer hold my hand,
and my heart lies not where
your heart may have planned.

Remember me when my soul has left
far into the silent realm,
and my eyes can no longer see
the running waters or the stately elm.

If you forget me for awhile,
and later remember, do not mourn,
better by far to forget and smile
than to remember and be sad.



"Only a ferret can successfully steal your heart and keep you from
ever finding it again!" ~ Myself

[Posted in FML 6541]