Dr Nico Schoemaker stared the research into the deslorelin implants
around 7 to 8 years ago in Holland on his own ferrets, He imported it
from Australia. (suprelorin 4.7mg. implant for dogs) He then tried to
get the rest of the world interested, Luckily Doctor Wagner ( so he
will have the good one) and a few other vets in Europe were willing to
help him get the implants launched. My boys got the implant from Dr
Schoemaker when they were 3 months old, they have not been surgically
castrated . They do not smell, they do not fight, they sleep and play
together and are not yet showing any signs of sickness, Adrenal or
otherwise, they are part of the public research going on here in
Holland, they stated with the 2 year implant and then received the 4
year, which is currently still working, They are 4 years old, Dr
schoemaker can no longer import the 4 year version because of the 2
year version of deslorelin now being available on the market in Europe.
My ferrets are monitored by Dr Schoemaker, There are a few min points
to using it as a substitute for castration, but that is mainly in
females and also depends on how well you know ferrets so that you
recognizes the signs and know when the implant needs replacing. To my
knowledge, if the implant is placed in time, then it works very well
for adrenalin gland tumors. If it is placed to late then it might still
be necessary to remove one of the adrenalin glands because it is over
active, and then have the implant to keep the other adrenal calm,

Regards Stephenie

[Posted in FML 6505]