I had a ferret looked at today under the knife who had lymphoma, one
large mass on the spleen, that was removable. But the lymphoma had
spread to his liver, and metastasized.

I was wondering if I could get people's accounts off or on list, of
how long their fuzzies lived with liver cancer/lymphoma. I am thinking
I should have just had it removed and dealt with the liver cancer, but
I didn't. Now I wonder if I made the wrong choice.

There's no beating myself up over it, but I can learn from it. My vet
gave it 1 to 3 weeks max if I had had him brought out of it. I know you
never really know and all cases are different, but hearing people's
experiences and thoughts will help for the next time. I have a LOT of
lymphoma around here. Nearly all of my ferrets have died from lymphoma,
save for one prostate infection.


[Posted in FML 6450]