Sorry I didn't get around to this sooner, but with family medical
issues, a full time job, and my fur-butts, I have not had the time.

Anyway, I won the Ferret Tower of Fun in the SOS Raffle and I have to
say that the ferrets *LOVE* it!! And even my big ol' 5 pund 7 ounce boy
can fit in it! They go up and down, forward and back, and fight at both
ends! It did take them a little while to go down the slide part, but
once they did I couldn't stop them. It is definitely worth every penny
of the cost. I would recommend it to anybody that is owned by fuzzies.

And "thank you" to the creators of Ferret Tower of Fun for donating
this great gift, it is well-loved!


*Sit vis nobiscum.*

[Posted in FML 6467]