Max McDreamy crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge this Thursday at 4:30
pm. After seizures, Max was taken to the Vet. They could find no cause
for his seizures, but when the seizures got worse (even after being
given anti-seizure meds) It was decided he would not make it through
the night and it was kinder to let him go in his sleep.

Max was a rescue at the age of 10 weeks and was the cutest, totally
black baby ferret. He has always retained his good looks (just ask the
ladies). He was a loving and friendly ferret who liked to sleep under
my hand at night.

Funeral survices will be held Friday morning and he will be laid to
rest with his brother, Sammie and his sister, Sho-Sho in the garden
near the apricot tree. It will be a closed, family affair.

Max leaves behind three brothers, a sister, Mommy and G'ma. He also
leaves behind many wonderful years of loving memories.


[Posted in FML 6431]