Hi there -
My mother received a list of OTC medications that have been recalled due
to causing hemorrhagic stroke among women and children, and I happened to
notice that Triaminic was on it.  Since I use this for my ferts when they
get sick, I was quite concerned!  Triaminic is voluntarily recalling the
Orange 3D Cold & Allergy, Cherry 3D Cold & Cough, Berry 3D Cough Relief,
and Yellow 3D Expectorant.  There are a lot of other cold medicines on the
list as well - if anyone wants a copy of the list, email me.  I'm not sure
if anyone else has posted it 'cause I'm rather behind in reading.  The
specific ingredient that causes it is Phenylpropanolamine.
So, since I can't use Triaminic..  any other suggestions for when a ferret
has a cold?
Also..  I'm looking to change vets..  I'm currently on the North Shore in
Massachusetts..  I'd like someone more knowledgeable than my current vet,
but also not too expensive.  Anyone able to recommend someone?  I don't
mind driving 30-60 min for routine care.
- Rachel
(quite a few updates to the site, btw.. including pictures of the ferrets
in their Christmas costumes!)
[Posted in FML issue 3315]