My name is Debra Peterson and had two wonderful ferrets.  I felt that I
could not take care of them (I travel 2-3 days a week) and gave them to a
friend whom in turn gave them to someone else I work with.  For lack of
reason, I was not told that this person brought them to the Humane Society
on Howell Mill Rd.  in Atlanta.  I never would have brought them there.  I
want them back.  They are much better off with me until I can find them a
better home.  I have a huge three-story cage for them and plenty of room
for them to play.  My travel schedule has eased up a bit as well.  I went
to the Humane Society and they won't tell me anything.  The ferrets were
dropped off either Dec 21 or 22.  I just was told yesterday (JAN 3, 2001).
The male is Clyde.  He is white with red eyes.  The female is Bonnie.  She
is racoon colored and not fixed.  They are both approximately 6 years old.
I have had them for five years.  Clyde is larger than Bonnie.  Attached are
photos of them.  I would appreciate a response back.  If you have them or
know where they could be, please let me know.
 Debra :) <<bonnie.jpg>>  <<clyde.jpg>>  <<bonnie and clyde.jpg>>
Debra Peterson
Implementation Specialist
Trainer, Imaging and Cephalometrics
(800) 766-7846; (770) 447-6766 ext 6835
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[Moderator's note: Originally sent with 5000 lines of encoded JPG images
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[Posted in FML issue 3292]