Hello all,
We would like to send a very heartfelt thanks to both Margie Szelmeczka and
Terri Garvin.  Both ladies have been so very pivotal in our life lately.
My husband and I run Wayward Weasel Ferret Rescue in Louisville, KY, and
both these women live a fair piece away - Margie is close to St. Louis,
and Terri is in (I believe ) , Texas.  The common denominator is the FML.
We've had the great good fortune to have Margie visit us twice now.  She's
a gift unto herself, but she insists on going out of her way to provide not
only friendship for the humans, but loads of supplies for the furkids.  She
has done an enormous amount for all here , furred and otherwise.  I hope
I'm not making her uncomfortable, but Margie is truly a godsend : a kind ,
giving person whose very presence is just plain magic.  She is really love
personified on two feet.
This brings me to Terri Garvin, ( Margie brought us all together.) We've
never met, but Terri decided to help us , Wayward Weasel , out by helping
to pay down our vet bill.
She asked me to give you guys the full skinny : Terri is the proud roommate
of eleven ferrets, and one , Oscar, won an online pet contest, handsome
smart dish that he is.  She asked me specifically to mention that without
said internet, FML, etc., she wouldn't have known about us, (Wayward
Weasel), at all.  So here's to Oscar, gorgeous ferret, Margie, Terri, and
here's to the FML !
With Margie and Terri's help, we are in the VERY rare position of having
an actual credit balance at our vet.  What a huge relief having a safety
zone !  Granted, we do have the world's greatest vet , Dr. Lee Hankins, who
will always work with us, but it's so unbelievable to have a small slush
fund for the inevitable emergency ....... and running a shelter, there is
always one on the plate , or one coming up.
Also, my very belated thanks to all of you who took the time to send me
ferret bite stats , and also messages of condolence for my parents when I
posted about the very-off topic loss of their dog, Sheba.  Your generous
kindness meant more than you know.
So, good news........we are lucky enough to belong to a community where
even perfect strangers rally around those in need.  Granted, just like
everything else, things get pressured and ugly at times.  I know I've been
guilty of dashing off more than a few heated emails at times.  Not proud of
it, but it's something I'll take my own responsibility for .  I'm human,
not having achieved "ferritude" , so I screw up sometimes.
Regardless,  we here at Wayward Weasel have been the recipients of some
extraordinary kindness , and thought we'd pass along this news, and our
heartfelt thanks.
What a great feeling to post nothing but good news !  Again, THANK YOU,
All the best,
Kym Zorn Long and David Long
Wayward Weasel
Louisville, Ky
[Posted in FML issue 3306]