Oh my... this has gotten heated quickly.  A good part of the FML is
devoted to this Ben and Jeremy issue (and a few more were submitted but
I judged them not appropriate).
It's become clear to me that it will go nowhere in this forum.  It has
turned personal, and since it is no longer about general ferret welfare,
it is no longer appropriate for the FML.
This is a little difficult for me too.  While I don't know any details
other than those that have been emailed to me (only some of which appear
in today's FML), I have met and respect most of the people involved.
Because of this, again, it's clear to me that there are more issues
involved than are apparent at first.
Please note further that it is still in litigation.  Perhaps the people
involved will tell us how it all worked out in the end.  Until then, the
topic is closed for the FML.
Thank you for your collective understanding,
[Posted in FML issue 3269]