Whew!  Thank goodness that's over with.  I think that my little Marty is
finally done with his first shedding & what a relief.  I want to thank
those of you that were so kind as to write back & help me with this.  I
really didn't think he should be shedding this time of the year but thanks
to you we made it through.  As I said before, Marty is my first Ferret &
I knew zip about them.  All I knew was that he was going home with me.  I
Love him to pieces.  Tomorrow is another trying time for us as it's time
for shots & a check up.  I am hoping that we make that through fine also.
I have heard some stories about reactions but thanks to Mike I will be
taking his e-mail with me to the vet to make sure she pretreats him first.
I couldn't handle having anything happen to him, & yes I am addicted to the
little feet chewing, always underfoot, sock, keys, screwdriver & anything
else he can get his teeth on stealing little ball of fur.  I even made him
his own little furry hammy.  My son says there is no hope left for me.  But
then again he is the one that didn't think Mom would get attached to the
Motherless little raccoon he brought home to raise until he could get big
enough to let loose, & was that traumatic.  I thought I would never get
over that one.  Well, anyway thanks to all of you that helped me through
this & everyone have a happy Holiday season.
Jo &  "Master Marty" one spoiled little guy
[Posted in FML issue 3261]