Here's an interesting add on to the thread..
In my instance, I knew I was a ferret owner when the wolf wouldn't leave
me alone...
At the college I attend (I commute because they do not allow pets), there
was a presentation of Mission: Wolf awhile back.  They actually bring in a
wolf and allow her to walk among the audience and sniff people.  well the
day that this presentation occured, I had brought all three of my fuzzies
to campus for a presentation on ferrets.  Most of my friends and myself
ended up carting one or more of my girls around with them for several
hours.  When we went to the Mission wolf event (ferrets safely tucked in
at home), the wolf wouldn't leave us alone!!  Apparently, wolves like the
smell of ferret!
and her three girls Bella, Shirley, and Kayla
[Posted in FML issue 3261]