HI all!  Jerimiah here!
Ahhh ha!  Well the neatest thing has happened, we has got less play groups
in the shelter as all the young'uns here are playing and sleepin' together.
The best part is they share the townhouse right next door-- so now, I can
teach them all the ferret tricks, er ways so much easier.  The two kids
Nestle and Hershey they sins the water dish on their heads better than ever
now!  Mom doesn't really like it when they play spin the water bowl near
the rice bucket-- cuz they kind of stick the rice to the floor-- but you
know I kind of like to watch her mutter over there :)
The older gals Marie ( who still is quite a "fraidy ferret") and Annabella
have moved themselves into the small condo right beside Beau & Sierra, who
last night spent the WHOLE night running and playing in the shelter-- lucky
lucky kids. Beau was so pooped this morning  that Mom thought he had hurt
himself and couldn't walk.  Well he was so plain tired from trying to undo
all the cleaning this weekend he couldn't stand up!  Such fun!
We are all hoping lots of you folks will want to stop by for "A Ferrets
Holiday" open house at the shelter.  We don't get lots of visitors here
it seems so new faces and a few cuddles go a long way... it is the time
for good cheer so bring it along here.  You don't have to bring nuthin'
( unless you wants to bring some Cheerios?) and you can see the shelter
where we all live and play while we wait for our families to find us!  The
two legged folks play lots of music, hang all the fresh smelling greens
everywhere and have goodies to eat!  So come along.  If you need directions
just email to Mom at: [log in to unmask] or give us a call on the phone!
They has lots of hammies and such that folks can purchase and the Totally
Ferret food arrives today so there will be plenty-- yum, yum!  I have been
a good ferret boy this week ;) !
To celebrate the season lots of neato things are on ebay this week-- but
there will be less closer to the holiday so finish up that shoppin'-- and
we will get our treats here on the special day-- I can't wait for the new
ferret tubes Mom said would come for Christmas-- the ones here are showiun
signs of heavy use... now I will be able to hide inside without the pesky
kids jumping through the side slits!
Here's a few of the things at ebay auction this week:
Ferret Toys ends Dec 8
Apron with ferret design on front ends Dec 8
"Grinch" top opening ferret sleeper ends Dec 10
Ferret Sleeper with Fairies on it ends Dec 10
Purple Ferret Appliqued towel set for two legs ends Dec 10
Gifts for ferret Moms ends Dec 13
Sleep, eat & play gift set  ends Dec 14
or simply stop by and sift through all the many things those silly folks
dream up!  And have some goodies-- whie your at it - please, bring me some
good stuff to go with my Cheerios- I will be your BEST FRIEND!  I hear
they is filling tree ornaments full of treats & snacks what a great idea!
Your friend at Ferret Wise- waitin' for Santa ferret --
[Posted in FML issue 3258]