Hi again.  Gosh I have really missed reading the fml over the last 6 weeks!
I am no longer at the university and finally got a home computer.  So
instead of [log in to unmask], I am [log in to unmask]
That sounds more like an fmler doesn't it!  I will be sending an updated
email addy to everyone who I regularily keep contact with.  Anyway...Kodo
was my first ferret.  A 7 year old male.  Sable.  Blind.  Absolutely an
angel in everyway and now a real angel.  It seemed only fitting to make him
part of my addy.  So to those who care, i'll be talking to you!!!  Kisses
to all of your fuzzies!  (Gosh, what have I missed the last 6 weeks?)
Julie and Razz, Poncho, Boo and foster ferret Deli (who is just as much my
baby as any of the rest!)
[Posted in FML issue 3282]