Karla asks:
>Daisy has broken off one of her top two "fang" (incisor?) teeth, about 1/8
>inch up - so it appears like the tip is gone, plus just a little more.
>How do you tell if it bothers them?
Two of my three have broken canines.  It seems to be pretty common.
Neither of my guys have ever had any problem with the broken tooth but
I would advise a vet visit just be sure that the nerve isn't exposed.
Eventually dentine will fill the spot where the tooth is broken to protect
the pulp of the tooth.  After your vet visit, keep an eye on the tooth to
make sure it doesn't get infected.  You probably won't need to get it
pulled and if one is pulled, you shouldn't have the other pulled.
Hope this helps,
Matthew and Paula in CO (with Sherlock, PB, and Gryphon--the ferts;
Quinn--the dog)
[Posted in FML issue 3282]