We've had a heck of a lot happen in the past 24 hours.  Last night the
good Dr.'s at Maywood Animal Hospital spayed 4 jills and nuetered 6 hobs.
Today, Dr. Kim performed an unbelievable 10 nueters and 8 spays.  There are
only 6 spays left, they will be done tomorrow at noon, blizzard or not.
We've found six cases of advanced pyometria, and had to abort two
pregnancies.  Also did some dental work on one of the girls whose teeth
were so rotten that one broke when she bit my husband.  The males have
for the most part come through with flying colors.
I have to take a moment to thank three people who have made this possible.
My husband Jim, has taken numerous major bites, is sleep deprived, has
spent three days this week shuttling ferrets back and forth to the vet,
and is being a real sport about the whole thing.  Anastasia Kidd has spent
hours with us schlepping ferrets to the vet, cleaning cages, doing whatever
it took.  Also, a huge thank you to Diane Burman, whose minivan we hijacked
and she might get back someday, we're kind of starting to like it :-)  Also
thanks to Gio who picked Mark up from camp for us so we could make a second
trip to Dr. Kim and get cages cleaned.
We've also started to total up the vet bills that we estimate this entire
fiasco will create, and they will be over $5000, possibly closer to $6000.
Lucikly, the generosity of the ferret community has been overwhelming.
Tonight I got word that a donation of $1000 was in the mail from a group
(I'm not mentioning donors of cash until I can get a complete list and
check to make sure they don't mind).  SOS is getting a donation of $300
from another individual who used a companies matching funds program to make
it actually a $600 gift.  I understand that another member of the ferret
community has donated $1000 to the SOS general fund.  A lot of other
individuals have written to tell me they've sent donations ranging from
someone on a fixed income who sent $20 to other folks who have sent $200.
Remember, donations to SOS will only be used to pay documented vet bills,
and any excess money will revert back to their general fund to help all
shelters.  Everyone is to be commended for doing what they could, be it
gathering up extra bedding or sending in what they felt they could (or
I'm sure in many cases couldn't afford) to SOS.
The ferrets had visitors from afar who came to help.
*Juliana Quadrozzi (GA) and Ronnie DiComo (MA) stopped by for a few hours
of poop scooping.  And I found what you left, thanks, it will be sent to
the appropriate place.
*Kim Fox came up from Baltimore and brought a variety of supplies, and
stayed for a while to help get ferrets ready for the trip to the vet.
*Matt Rosette and his son Chris came down from Northern NJ and finished
the cages for us.
Today we also started recieving donations in the mail.  Kudo's and thank
you's to:
*Alicia Drakiotes for the beautiful hammocks
*The Ferret Store for their care package
*The Ferret League of Upstate NY for the pans, polar fleece, candle and
*Kim Rushing for the wine and candles
*Ann Barzda for the toys and the "heat rock", which we needed tonight with
 a girl having a rough time after surgery
*Risa for the wonderful care package
*Judy for the towels (the 'pids and Niko send kisses)
Pat Stauffer has been hard at work combing through old show catalogues to
pull out ferrets that might be here by name, color, and DOB.  So far I've
made several matches.  It's heatwarming to call a ferret's name, and have
them respond to it.
I'm coming down with a cold, so I'm going to get to bed to try and shake
it.  I don't have time to be sick!!  (Say a prayer to St. Francis for the
ferrets and St. Blaize for me if you're so inclined) We are hoping to have
some ferrets on their way to their new homes next weekend.
Thanks again!
[Posted in FML issue 3282]