I have a few questions since I'm a new ferret owner.
First, what is the best food to feed a ferret?  Mine is on MF ferret diet
right now but I'm willing to change if there's something better for her.
Also, what do you guys put in the bottom of your ferrets cages?  Blankets,
shavings or what?
Thanks for any info.  And also keep me in mind, I'm looking for a rescue
ferret close to Kentucky.
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 ___/      /__\ \ \ /__\ \ \ /__\ \ \------------The Bakers-----------
(___.'\_______)\_)_)___)\_)_)___)\_)_)-----Jerry, Cynthia & Corey-----
Yukon, Spirit, Lobo, Lakota & Cherokee      Tigger (Our Ferret)
  ***Home Of The Siberian Husky***
                                        Antioch Shore's Kennel
                                            Tigger's Page
                                       ___ICQ Member #1594299___
[Posted in FML issue 3274]