It with heavy heart that I write and tell you that I spoke to Teresa
Glasgow last night... She has told me that she knows of no ferret shelter
in TN.  They have over the years all shut their doors.  The Glasgows
themselves... for multible personal reasons have in essence shut their
doors.  They are open as an information base, they are open in matching
rescues to wanting owners (then the transition to shelter is avoided for
the ferret).  They still, of course have all the "unadoptables" and are
sheltering them.  They are continuing with their care, with their
adrenal, insolima, etc and sugeries.  They also have a cage with number
of incorrigible biters that have never been totally rehabed.  So Will
continues with two jobs, and Teresa continues with 3 jobs to pay for all
this.  One main reason they stopped accepting rescues is that in order to
support the shelter,,,they had to work so much, and that just was not
fair to the ferrets nor condusive to their well being.
It is tragic to me that for many shelters there is NO help, no volunteers.
There is lack of money, resources for the ferret feed, medical care, etc..
Just the simple things like needing newspapers is a huge problem.  I see
two sweet loving parents of furkids... unable to do what they do best, and
love to do, basically do to lack of support on all levels.  I realize this
is the case for many shelters, and why many close.  I'm quite devasted over
this.  This is a huge loss to me.
On another note.... the fact that TN now has such a huge breeder here, and
in this past year or so has large petstore now selling dozens of kits at a
pop scares the hell out of me.  where will they all go... with so much
misinformation out there.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3236]