Hi Folks!
Lana and Jeff went and picked up a ferret that the Berea Police found.
He is an OLD guy, MF, and as sweet as can be.  If anyone knows someone
missing a ferret, have them contact me.
The human officers were amazed that Jeff picked him up.  I guess they
were terrified of the little guy.
Thanks to the people who sent Betty notes on who I am and where I am.
Thanks for all the nice comments too.  But to be honest, I only do what I
do cause I love ferrets.  Thank you too Betty.
Ok, there was a reason behind the open house, and behind waiving adoption
fees for FMLers.  Not to give people the idea that this is what shelters
should do.  Lord knows those adoptions fees pay for shots, food, bedding,
caging (not that the fees are enough to cover everything, but it helps),
donations help too.  But for most of the shelters most of the funding
comes from Shelter Mom or Dad's paycheck.
DISCLAIMER: I am not asking for help, donations or anything like that.
Other than homes.  I am trying to explain what the reasons for waiving fees
are, and to let people know they should not expect that from shelters.
like to make a donation, send it to SOS, those ladies are really great and
work hard, and help allot of shelters, who in turn help allot of ferrets.
Now, the reason.  I need to find homes for these guys.  Things have been
getting rough, and it isn't going to get any easier any time soon.  Hubby's
job has been cutting hours back for the past 8 months, and by the end of
the year the shop will close.  It takes two incomes to support the shelter
and keep the house going.  And on 1.4 incomes, it isn't making it.  (Troy
Lynn, how do you do it?  You amaze me!  And every one who has met you too.)
Right now the most important things that are paid are mortgage, food for
the kids (thanks for the bag of TF Ron!  Thanks for the Ferret Store Cert.
Lana and Jeff) shots, emergency surgeries (I am keeping my fingers crossed
that no ferrets need any), utilities.  Oh, yeah, got to feed the humans
too.  Darn that!  The adrenal surgeries are on hold.  The fuzzies can be
naked a little while.
Things are tight, but you will have that, after all if life didn't hand you
challenges, how would you learn anything?  I figure if I can get some of
the long timers in good homes, they will be happier, and I won't have to
worry as much about them.
I am taking ferrets in, but on an emergency basis, mainly animal control.
If I stop, then the ferrets loose.
Any way, that is the truth of the matter, and if you have room, come on
down and visit.  Or just visit to visit.
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter.
[Posted in FML issue 3230]