Good Morning All!!!!!
First a SPECIAL PRAYER to all whom have lost a Fuzzie recently and to all
the ill and homeless fuzzies and animals in the world, my HEART goes out
to you all!!!!
I have to say tat without the FML to rely on I would have been lost as to
the proper care of Fuzzies!!!!  I was ne of those people who had bought a
ferret because I thought that they were cute and wanted to buy it for my
mom for the holidays because she had just about everything else and I
couldn't think of anything else to buy her, but alas common sense prevailed
and when I got my little Tazy home I didn't have the faintest idea on how
to care for him!!!!!  I am a person with ALOT of common sense so on the
internet I went and did a search on ferrets and Walla, I found the FML I
did buy a book on ferrets but it wasn't much help though :-( !!!!!!!!!
1- FML taught me to ferret proof
2- taught me to bath my baby
3- taught me to look for signs of illness
4- taught me how to deal with ECE when I brought my second baby home
   and my Tazy got sick with it!!!!!!!!!
5- taught me what war dancing was!!!!
6- taught me to make duck soup for Tazy.
7- taught me what food is best for ferrets.
8- taught me to look for possible dangers ferrets could get into!!!!!
9- taught me everything I know today about fuzzies!!!!!! :-)
I could go on and on but unfortunately I don't have the time and I would
be hogging the whole list and then some!!!!!
I just want to say to Bill (BIG) a BIG HEARTFELT THANK YOU goes out to
you for ALL that you do for us that are owned by these wonderful, loving
creation of GODS!!!!!!  We need you so please keep up the good work your
doing for us!!!
Dawn, and the Terrible Two's Gang, Tazy, Trouble, Rosy, and the 4 lb
fuzz, Baby Joey
[Posted in FML issue 3228]